Source code for etcd3gw.client

#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#    a copy of the License at
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.

import json
import threading
import uuid

import requests
import six
from six.moves import queue

from etcd3gw import exceptions
from import Lease
from etcd3gw.lock import Lock
from etcd3gw.utils import _decode
from etcd3gw.utils import _encode
from etcd3gw.utils import _increment_last_byte
from etcd3gw.utils import DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
from etcd3gw import watch

_SORT_ORDER = ['none', 'ascend', 'descend']
_SORT_TARGET = ['key', 'version', 'create', 'mod', 'value']

_EXCEPTIONS_BY_CODE = {['internal_server_error']: exceptions.InternalServerError,['service_unavailable']: exceptions.ConnectionFailedError,['request_timeout']: exceptions.ConnectionTimeoutError,['gateway_timeout']: exceptions.ConnectionTimeoutError,['precondition_failed']: exceptions.PreconditionFailedError,

[docs]class Etcd3Client(object): def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=2379, protocol="http", ca_cert=None, cert_key=None, cert_cert=None, timeout=None, api_path='/v3alpha/'): """Construct an client to talk to etcd3's grpc-gateway's /v3 HTTP API :param host: :param port: :param protocol: """ = host self.port = port self.protocol = protocol self.session = requests.Session() if timeout is not None: self.session.timeout = timeout if ca_cert is not None: self.session.verify = ca_cert if cert_cert is not None and cert_key is not None: self.session.cert = (cert_cert, cert_key) self.api_path = api_path
[docs] def get_url(self, path): """Construct a full url to the v3 API given a specific path :param path: :return: url """ host = ('[' + + ']' if (':') != -1) else base_url = self.protocol + '://' + host + ':' + str(self.port) return base_url + self.api_path + path.lstrip("/")
[docs] def post(self, *args, **kwargs): """helper method for HTTP POST :param args: :param kwargs: :return: json response """ try: resp =*args, **kwargs) if resp.status_code in _EXCEPTIONS_BY_CODE: raise _EXCEPTIONS_BY_CODE[resp.status_code]( resp.text, resp.reason ) if resp.status_code !=['ok']: raise exceptions.Etcd3Exception(resp.text, resp.reason) except requests.exceptions.Timeout as ex: raise exceptions.ConnectionTimeoutError(six.text_type(ex)) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as ex: raise exceptions.ConnectionFailedError(six.text_type(ex)) return resp.json()
[docs] def status(self): """Status gets the status of the etcd cluster member. :return: json response """ return"/maintenance/status"), json={})
[docs] def members(self): """Lists all the members in the cluster. :return: json response """ result ="/cluster/member/list"), json={}) return result['members']
[docs] def lease(self, ttl=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): """Create a Lease object given a timeout :param ttl: timeout :return: Lease object """ result ="/lease/grant"), json={"TTL": ttl, "ID": 0}) return Lease(int(result['ID']), client=self)
[docs] def lock(self, id=None, ttl=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): """Create a Lock object given an ID and timeout :param id: ID for the lock, creates a new uuid if not provided :param ttl: timeout :return: Lock object """ if id is None: id = str(uuid.uuid4()) return Lock(id, ttl=ttl, client=self)
[docs] def create(self, key, value, lease=None): """Atomically create the given key only if the key doesn't exist. This verifies that the create_revision of a key equales to 0, then creates the key with the value. This operation takes place in a transaction. :param key: key in etcd to create :param value: value of the key :type value: bytes or string :param lease: lease to connect with, optional :returns: status of transaction, ``True`` if the create was successful, ``False`` otherwise :rtype: bool """ base64_key = _encode(key) base64_value = _encode(value) txn = { 'compare': [{ 'key': base64_key, 'result': 'EQUAL', 'target': 'CREATE', 'create_revision': 0 }], 'success': [{ 'request_put': { 'key': base64_key, 'value': base64_value, } }], 'failure': [] } if lease: txn['success'][0]['request_put']['lease'] = result = self.transaction(txn) if 'succeeded' in result: return result['succeeded'] return False
[docs] def put(self, key, value, lease=None): """Put puts the given key into the key-value store. A put request increments the revision of the key-value store and generates one event in the event history. :param key: :param value: :param lease: :return: boolean """ payload = { "key": _encode(key), "value": _encode(value) } if lease: payload['lease'] ="/kv/put"), json=payload) return True
[docs] def get(self, key, metadata=False, sort_order=None, sort_target=None, **kwargs): """Range gets the keys in the range from the key-value store. :param key: :param metadata: :param sort_order: 'ascend' or 'descend' or None :param sort_target: 'key' or 'version' or 'create' or 'mod' or 'value' :param kwargs: :return: """ try: order = 0 if sort_order: order = _SORT_ORDER.index(sort_order) except ValueError: raise ValueError('sort_order must be one of "ascend" or "descend"') try: target = 0 if sort_target: target = _SORT_TARGET.index(sort_target) except ValueError: raise ValueError('sort_target must be one of "key", ' '"version", "create", "mod" or "value"') payload = { "key": _encode(key), "sort_order": order, "sort_target": target, } payload.update(kwargs) result ="/kv/range"), json=payload) if 'kvs' not in result: return [] if metadata: def value_with_metadata(item): item['key'] = _decode(item['key']) value = _decode(item.pop('value')) return value, item return [value_with_metadata(item) for item in result['kvs']] else: return [_decode(item['value']) for item in result['kvs']]
[docs] def get_all(self, sort_order=None, sort_target='key'): """Get all keys currently stored in etcd. :returns: sequence of (value, metadata) tuples """ return self.get( key=_encode(b'\0'), metadata=True, sort_order=sort_order, sort_target=sort_target, range_end=_encode(b'\0'), )
[docs] def get_prefix(self, key_prefix, sort_order=None, sort_target=None): """Get a range of keys with a prefix. :param sort_order: 'ascend' or 'descend' or None :param key_prefix: first key in range :returns: sequence of (value, metadata) tuples """ return self.get(key_prefix, metadata=True, range_end=_encode(_increment_last_byte(key_prefix)), sort_order=sort_order, sort_target=sort_target)
[docs] def replace(self, key, initial_value, new_value): """Atomically replace the value of a key with a new value. This compares the current value of a key, then replaces it with a new value if it is equal to a specified value. This operation takes place in a transaction. :param key: key in etcd to replace :param initial_value: old value to replace :type initial_value: bytes or string :param new_value: new value of the key :type new_value: bytes or string :returns: status of transaction, ``True`` if the replace was successful, ``False`` otherwise :rtype: bool """ base64_key = _encode(key) base64_initial_value = _encode(initial_value) base64_new_value = _encode(new_value) txn = { 'compare': [{ 'key': base64_key, 'result': 'EQUAL', 'target': 'VALUE', 'value': base64_initial_value }], 'success': [{ 'request_put': { 'key': base64_key, 'value': base64_new_value, } }], 'failure': [] } result = self.transaction(txn) if 'succeeded' in result: return result['succeeded'] return False
[docs] def delete(self, key, **kwargs): """DeleteRange deletes the given range from the key-value store. A delete request increments the revision of the key-value store and generates a delete event in the event history for every deleted key. :param key: :param kwargs: :return: """ payload = { "key": _encode(key), } payload.update(kwargs) result ="/kv/deleterange"), json=payload) if 'deleted' in result: return True return False
[docs] def delete_prefix(self, key_prefix): """Delete a range of keys with a prefix in etcd.""" return self.delete( key_prefix, range_end=_encode(_increment_last_byte(key_prefix)))
[docs] def transaction(self, txn): """Txn processes multiple requests in a single transaction. A txn request increments the revision of the key-value store and generates events with the same revision for every completed request. It is not allowed to modify the same key several times within one txn. :param txn: :return: """ return"/kv/txn"), data=json.dumps(txn))
[docs] def watch(self, key, **kwargs): """Watch a key. :param key: key to watch :returns: tuple of ``events_iterator`` and ``cancel``. Use ``events_iterator`` to get the events of key changes and ``cancel`` to cancel the watch request """ event_queue = queue.Queue() def callback(event): event_queue.put(event) w = watch.Watcher(self, key, callback, **kwargs) canceled = threading.Event() def cancel(): canceled.set() event_queue.put(None) w.stop() def iterator(): while not canceled.is_set(): event = event_queue.get() if event is None: canceled.set() if not canceled.is_set(): yield event return iterator(), cancel
[docs] def watch_prefix(self, key_prefix, **kwargs): """The same as ``watch``, but watches a range of keys with a prefix.""" kwargs['range_end'] = \ _increment_last_byte(key_prefix) return, **kwargs)
[docs] def watch_once(self, key, timeout=None, **kwargs): """Watch a key and stops after the first event. :param key: key to watch :param timeout: (optional) timeout in seconds. :returns: event """ event_queue = queue.Queue() def callback(event): event_queue.put(event) w = watch.Watcher(self, key, callback, **kwargs) try: return event_queue.get(timeout=timeout) except queue.Empty: raise exceptions.WatchTimedOut() finally: w.stop()
[docs] def watch_prefix_once(self, key_prefix, timeout=None, **kwargs): """Watches a range of keys with a prefix, similar to watch_once""" kwargs['range_end'] = \ _increment_last_byte(key_prefix) return self.watch_once(key_prefix, timeout=timeout, **kwargs)
[docs]def client(host='localhost', port=2379, ca_cert=None, cert_key=None, cert_cert=None, timeout=None, protocol="http"): """Return an instance of an Etcd3Client.""" return Etcd3Client(host=host, port=port, ca_cert=ca_cert, cert_key=cert_key, cert_cert=cert_cert, timeout=timeout, protocol=protocol)